
Below some of my projects.

To see my stack please have a look here 🙂.



🫁 Training in reading chest X-rays- Université Paris Cité

An app designed for medical students to practice reading chest X-rays through interactive quizzes based on real images. Using TypeScript Next.js 14, supabase, Cloudinary & Vercel

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💊 Grams-INRAE

This website presents the social science research conducted by the GRAMs project team (Global Regulation of Antimicrobials), focusing on how antibiotic use is regulated, from production to consumption. Using TypeScript Next.js 14, Next-intl, Strapi, Cloudinary & Vercel
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⚖️ Syndicat de la magistrature

Programmatic booklet of a French magistrates’ union using Next.js & Vercel




full synthesis

View the project 🔥

🥊 La Castagne

React app using Next.js 13, TypeScript, Vercel & Cloudinary

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🧰 Devtools

React app using Next.js, GraphQL & Vercel

Devtools website image

Devtools website image

Devtools website image

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Ruby on Rails

ruby rails

🧾 Accounting and invoicing application

Made in Rails & Hotwire for my personnal use but you can test it here:)


🍩 Doughnuteconomics

Open access tools that that brings together actors from all countries acting according to the principles of the doughnut economy. Redesign of the website and transformation into a social network. Made in Rails 6 & Hotwire

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🥊 Cote Ring

Thai boxing club website (bilingual)

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👩🏻‍💻 Freelancers

Platform for freelancers, including chat and payment (Stripe).


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🖌 Blogs

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🔥 link on demand

🎬 Super8

Family movies database.

image image

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Python/Machine Learning


📊 Analyzing French Deputies' Tweets: Exploring Topics, Interactions, and Local Representation

View the repository here

🚖 Streamlit Taxi Fare

A Taxi Fare Prediction Model with Streamlit, Fast API, Docker, Google Compute Engite & Google Kubernetes


view link: 🔥

🚖 Open Food Facts Categories Predictor


view repository: 🔥

… And more here 🚀